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About Us

The Story

Globally recognized brands and local artisans alike choose our trees

Fully trained carpenters and joiners will often move into related trades such as shop fitting, scaffolding, bench joinery, maintenance and system installation. Worked with natural wood which has been prepared by splitting, hewing, or sawing

About Us

The Story

Professional status as a journeyman carpenter in the United States obtained

Formal training is acquired in a four-year apprenticeship program administered by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, in which journeyman status is obtained after completion of twelve weeks of pre-apprenticeship training.

About Us

The Story

Two main divisions: construction-carpentry and cabinetmaking

During pre-apprenticeship, trainees in each of these divisions spend 30 hours a week for 12 weeks in classrooms and indoor workshops learning mathematics, trade terminology, and skill in the use of hand and power tools.

About Us

The Story

Skill that can be learned by gaining work experience, not just a training

Carpenters learn this trade by being employed through an apprenticeship training—normally 4 years—and qualify by successfully completing that country’s competence test in places such as the UK, USA,(Australia) and South Africa.

About Us

The Story

Woodworking is the activity or skill of making items from wood

Historically, woodworkers relied upon the woods native to their region, until transportation and trade innovations made more exotic woods available to the craftsman. Woods are typically sorted into three basic types: hardwoods, softwoods and coniferous.

We Deliver Specialty Hardwoods by the Container Load All Over the World


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Creative Men
Guillaume Besset

L’héritier dun savoir-faire vieux de plus de 100 ans.

C’est peut-être chez les artisans qu’il faut aller chercher les preuves les plus admirables de la sagacité de l’esprit, de sa patience et de ses ressources.

Denis Diderot

Les artisans qui affinent la matière finissent par s’affiner eux-mêmes.

Bernard Tirtiaux

Tous les hommes utiles doivent être en rapport les uns avec les autres, de même que l’entrepreneur se réfère à l’architecte et celui-ci au maçon et au charpentier.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe